



What I mean when I say I like a villain:

  • I like their story
  • I like their motivations
  • I like their skills/powers
  • I like their intelligence
  • I like their quotes
  • I find them interesting
  • I like their relationship with other character(s)

What I definitely don’t mean when I say I like a villain:

  • “They’re just misunderstood”
  • I’m defending every single one of their actions and I think they’re 100% innocent
  • I’m a dumbass who doesn’t know that they’re a villain


  • I am able to sympathize with tragic villains without saying that they are misunderstood, innocent, or don’t realize that they are a villain. I have no idea why tumblr has such a hard time grasping the concept of “seeing people suffer makes me feel bad for them even if they did terrible things” and quite frankly the idea that “only pure and innocent people deserve love and empathy” thing that tumblr has going on scares me.

all of the above and

  • tbh sometimes the villain is just hot and/or very funny
  • and my appreciation of hot villains and fictional hijinks does not impair my moral reasoning in a real world context
  • stop demanding serious and complicated explanations for why i like this goofy fictional character who is obviously ridiculous and exaggerated 

All of the above and:

– I just happen to like the villan.

– I don’t have to justify or explain to anyone.

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